Call for story ideas!

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EFI member organisations invited to submit proposals to host a science-media bootcamp

EFI established the Lookout Station in 2017 with the aim of creating a platform between science and media communities which could maximise the societal impact of forest science, in fighting global challenges.

The Lookout Station offers programmes to both science and media communities. It supports storytellers to produce engaging science-based stories about forest-related topics such as climate change, with innovative new tools. It also helps scientists simplify their communication so that the storytellers can accurately report about the topic with scientific facts, data and evidence.

The initiative focuses on closing the gap between science and media, so that the wider public gets evidence-based information in the digital environment, about topics important to the work of EFI and its member organisations.

Pilot projects have included a bootcamp in Lapland for journalists, trainers and scientists which focused on 360-degree video storytelling about climate change. The Lookout Station has also worked with media to tell stories about forest fires in Portugal (Euronews), on climate change effects in Morocco (Al Jazeera), and deforestation and climate change effects in Argentina (The Guardian).

We need your stories!

Due to the success of the pilot stages of the Lookout Station initiative, EFI wants to involve its Network, and highlight the research done in our member organisations.

We are proud to open a CALL FOR LOOKOUT STATION STORY IDEAS, involving hosting a Lookout Station bootcamp (or training, or field trip) in late 2018 or early 2019. The topic should be visual, concrete, and interesting to policy makers and/or the society at large.

The travel/trainer costs of the participants are sponsored by the Lookout Station project.

Please use this link to submit your proposals. Deadline is 1 July 2018.

Download the background information

For more information please contact Anne Autio (anne.autio @


Photo: Global Editors' Network