Taking part in EIP-AGRI Workshop

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Our researchers Michael den Herder and Mercedes Rois were invited to the EIP-AGRI Workshop ‘Opportunities for farm diversification in the circular bioeconomy’ in Vilnius, Lithuania on 6-7 February. This workshop was organised by the European Commission Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development and the EIP-AGRI Service Point, and it was hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania.

Some 90 participants from all over Europe from the agriculture and forestry sectors gathered to discuss what by-products or processes could provide added-value and what could they be turned in to, and developing various business models that farmers and foresters could potentially adopt to take advantage of the circular economy markets, for example by developing intermediary products through regional collaboration, by developing joint initiatives with the industry by developing particular products on their own. During the Open Space, Michael led the discussion on how agroforestry can build synergies with the rural tourism.