FORADVISE Project Holds Kickoff Meeting in Girona, Spain

On 4–6 March, the FORADVISE project, a Horizon Europe initiative to strengthen forestry advisory services, held its kickoff meeting in Girona, Spain. Bringing together 32 partners from across Europe to align objectives, discuss key activities, and lay the foundation for impactful collaboration.
Forest advisory and extension services play a crucial role in maintaining healthy and resilient forest ecosystems. However, these services in Europe remain underdeveloped, with geographic imbalances, limited access to innovation, and weak integration into national Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS). As a result, there is a need for better support for forest managers, new engagement strategies for emerging types of forest owners, and enhanced tools for decision-making. FORADVISE will address these challenges by establishing a European forestry advisory network.
Meeting Highlights
The European Forest Institute (EFI) as the project coordinator alonsgside with representatives from forestry organizations, universities, research institutions, and advisory bodies gathered in Girona to define priorities and ensure that the FORADVISE project effectively supports forestry advisors in implementing sustainable forest management practices.
Key Highlights of the Kickoff Meeting:
- Partners provided insights into each Work Package, discussing progress, challenges, and collaboration opportunities.
- Workshop Session focused on gathering and analyzing critical data.
- Synergies with Other EU Projects.
- Field Visit to Vall d’en Bas and an insightful session led by Condorci Forestal de Catalunya, the largest forest owners’ association in Catalonia.
A big thank you to all partners for their contributions to this successful in-person meeting!
Contact us
For more information about the project, please contact:
Georgina Finou, Marketing & Communications Specialist, Agricultural University of Athens at
Rodrigo Mendes, Communications Officer, European Forest Institute at