
EFI is running a number of online databases with data and information on different aspects of European forests, forestry and forest research. Databases may originate from projects or EFI's core activities. They represent in many cases data which are frequently used to perform EFI's research tasks. Reference to the original sources of the data are given.

These databases can be accessed free of charge by anyone after completion of a simple registration process. Click here if you are not yet — but want to become — a registered user.

A login and password give you access to any of the following databases:

EFISCEN Database - The European Forest Information Scenario Database, EFISCEN, is a forest inventory database of European countries, based on input from national inventory experts. The database is used in particular by the EFISCEN forest scenario model.

LTFRA Database - Long Term Forest Resources Assessment Database, LTFRA, is an interactive searchable databases on forest resources in the UNECE region. The database includes data from forest resources assessments implemented by the FAO and UN-ECE/FAO.

FPTF database - Forest Products Trade Flow Database, FPTF, uses trade data from the United Nations United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics database. These data then are processed in order to obtain precise estimates of the trade flows and stored in the FPTF Database.

DFDE - Database on Forest Disturbances in Europe, DFDE, allows searching historic information about disturbances in the forests of Europe. The DFDE has been elaborated by the institutions Alterra based in Wageningen, The Netherlands and EFI.

EFIMED Database - Forests in the Mediterranean region are not only important because of their high ecological value, but also due to their contribution to the human welfare in the region. They are appreciated, not only for producing wood forest products, but for providing non-wood forest goods and services. In the frame of a project an inventory of non-wood forest goods and services and their economic values was conducted*. The inventory compiled data on direct and indirect use values as well as different non-use values, for 18 countries in the Mediterranean basin. The outcome has been the book Valuing Mediterranean Forests (eds. Merlo M. & Croitoru L.). The EFIMED database released in 2008 is built on the project outcomes and allows searching data on the state of the Mediterranean forests, the quantity and value of wood and non-wood forest goods and services.

*work was implemented by the EFI Project Centre Medforex. The Database was built by EFIMED in conjunction with the former EFI Research Programme ‘Forest Resources and Information’.

Forest Biodiversity in Europe database.