Mediterranean Facility
The Mediterranean has untapped potential to contribute to the leading role played by the forest sector in the global bioeconomy with its distinctive ecological and social characteristics. Thematic research and networking at EFI’s Mediterranean Facility (EFIMED) focuses on creating sustainable value from Mediterranean forested landscapes.

The 8th MFW will delve into solutions and initiatives for the restoration and sustainable management of forest ecosystems in the Mediterranean region.
4 – 7 November 2024

EFIMED focuses on improving the resilience of ecosystems and communities by promoting and creating sustainable value from Mediterranean forested landscapes.

Our team promotes and conducts research, policy advice and networking on Mediterranean forests, forestry and forest products.

Building forest resilience through climate and biodiversity-smart management and restoration
5 – 9 May 2025. Jastrebarsko, Croatia

The Mediterranean Forest Research Agenda 2030 (MFRA 2030) defines four priority areas for the research community to tackle in the immediate and medium term, with recommendations for action.

MedForest is an open-access, contributor-driven platform for news, views and happenings related to Mediterranean forests. MedForest is coordinated by EFIMED Facility.

The EFIMED network includes forest researchers, practitioners, policy makers and entrepreneurs from across the Mediterranean who wish to connect, collaborate, and exchange knowledge.

EFI’s Young Leadership Programme – Mediterranean edition (YLP-MED) provides training, knowledge sharing and networking on Mediterranean forest-based value chains and their contribution to a circular bioeconomy. YLP-MED takes place every two years, bringing experts and future leaders together to create a new space where change can happen.

The EFI Mediterranean Network Forum connects and strengthens collaboration between forestry researchers, policymakers, and practitioners from all over the Mediterranean. The inaugural event took place in 2022, with future editions to be held every two years, complementing the Mediterranean Forest Week.
Resources & Projects

Papers, policy briefs and publications on the potential and opportunities provided by the forest bioeconomy for the Mediterranean basin.

Publications and policy recommendations on the provision of ecosystem services in the Mediterranean.

Publications and policy briefs on forest fire prevention and Mediterranean landscape resilience.

Papers, policy briefs, proceedings, publications, seminar notes and technical notes from EFIMED events and projects.

Publications, documents and resources related to water and forests at the scientific level, such as adaptive river basin management and planning in the Mediterranean.

Publications, documents and audiovisual resources on the potential of non-wood forest products for rural development and the Mediterranean forest-based economy.

Would you like to contact the EFI Mediterranean Facility team or visit us in person at EFI Barcelona premises?