Member benefits

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Members receive regular and timely information on EFI activities and issues related to European forest research in general.

2024 board
Board membership

As a member, you have the opportunity to stand for Board membership and have a direct influence on the functioning of EFI.

Christophe and Valerie
Networking opportunities

Our networking opportunities mean our Associate and Affiliate Members benefit from co-operation, mobilisation of research capacities and efficient pooling of available resources.

HQ in Joensuu
Research collaboration

Associate and Affiliate Members can combine their expertise, find synergies, and share facilities. We also encourage members to visit EFI. 

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We represent the European forest science community on the global and European stages, giving our member organisations a voice at the highest level.

voting in Aberdeen
Influence direction

As a member, you have the opportunity to influence the direction of EFI’s programme. Associate Members have the right to vote at the Annual Conference.


EFI strives to enhance scientific capacity and disseminate knowledge throughout Europe and beyond.

Canopy from the ground
Policy support

We mobilize and channel the expertise within our member organisations to address policy-relevant questions. Our high-level science-policy forum ThinkForest works to identify emerging policy needs as well as to highlight new knowledge for informed decision-making.

image of tangram puzzle blocks with people icons
Open posts

EFI Associate and Affiliate Members may advertise open posts on this site

event groud from back view
Associated Event

EFI gives the status of EFI Associated Event to international events that are organised by EFI member organisation/s.