
Download a complete list of scientific publications by EFI researchers: 2020 |2019 |2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013


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Abstract This study employs Cultural Theory to study perceptions and conflicting worldviews of key actor groups in EU forest policy. Forests are central to different human demands for ecosystem
Policy support
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Abstract Future climate conditions may jeopardize the suitability of traditional grapegrowing areas in the Mediterranean. However, precise vineyard management is a crucial component of adaptation
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Abstract A growing body of qualitative and quantitative research has explored the potential benefits to mental health and well-being of open-water or “wild” swimming. To date, most studies have used
Health and wellbeing
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Introduction Adapting the metropolitan territories to global change has emerged as one of the greatest challenges for the spatial planning debate. Green spaces within metropolitan areas are recognized
Urban forests
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Abstract This article delves into the emerging phenomenon of ‘forest climate litigation,’ which we describe as lawsuits addressing the intersection of science, policy and law specifically related to
Climate change
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Abstract In developing countries, households employ several livelihood strategies to earn income and meet their basic needs through homegarden agroforestry (HGAF) practices. The extent of HGAF
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Abstract Among the land use–land cover products, tree cover maps are essential tools for assessing forest functionality and ecosystem services, and implementing sustainable forest management. By
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Abstract Ethical sourcing is a crucial issue for the fashion industry, which is under intense pressure to build ethical and responsible supply chains. Despite its importance, we know little about how
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Abstract Forests supply multiple ecosystem services, categorized into provisioning (e.g. wood), regulating (e.g. climate change mitigation, biodiversity protection) and cultural (e.g. recreation)
Ecosystem services