Annual Conferences

Annual Conference in 2023

The Associate and Affiliate Members of EFI meet on annual basis at the Annual Conferences. The Associate Members have a right of vote at the Conference and they thus approve matters such as audited financial materials and work plans, and make decisions on the future plans and activities of EFI. (The only difference of the EFI member organisations is that the Affiliate Members do not have a right of vote.)

EFI Annual Conferences gather over 120 active representatives of the member organisations, and consequently form an active hub of interaction in international forest research.

The Annual Conference consists of a technical annual conference, where decisions are made. The rules governing this part of the meeting are the Conference Rules of Procedure. The second day is often dedicated to science, and the third day takes the participants on an excursion.

EFI 2025 Annual Conference will take place on 17-19 September in Prague, the Czech Republic.