Annals of Forest Science - Full open access publication

Annals of Forest Science promotes multidisciplinary research on forests and wood in a changing world and is now a full Open Access journal.
Since January 1, 2022, Annals of Forest Science is published under a full open access model. It joins two other INRAE journals within the BMC-Springer Open Access publishing scheme: Veterinary Research and Genetics, Selection, Evolution, in the frame of a 5-year publishing contract that INRAE signed with Springer Nature (2022–2026).
All papers published from now on will be fully and immediately accessible to readers and users worldwide, under pdf and xml formats. As authors, you will be free to archive and disseminate the papers you authored as you wish. You will keep all rights over the papers, which will be published under a CC-BY license (with some adjustments if required). This should enable a larger impact of the papers we publish and a faster dissemination of the research results in the rapidly expanding field of Forest and Wood Sciences.
Read the editorial about it here, as well as a flyer describing the new journal.
Journal site is available here.
Image: ©Sergey Borisov -