Call for abstracts - IASNR Europe

Call for Organized Sessions and Individual Abstracts for the 2nd Conference of the European Chapter of IASNR at Wageningen University & Research, 20-23 March 2024
The International Association for Society and Natural Resources (IASNR) is an interdisciplinary professional association open to individuals who bring a variety of social science and natural science backgrounds to bear on research and application strategies pertaining to natural resource management. The European Chapter of IASNR has been operating informally for more than two years bringing together colleagues via monthly online meetings and a first conference in 2023.
The European Chapter of IASNR is now inviting colleagues across Europe to submit proposals for organized sessions and/or individual abstracts for the second conference of the European Chapter of IASNR at Wageningen University & Research, 20-23 March 2024.
The major aim of the conference is to connect researchers in Europe working on topics on the interface between society and natural resources, to exchange knowledge, to discuss ideas for collaboration, and to further develop our community. Given that this is a rather informal conference, no registration fee is required and all lunches and dinners are self-paid.
Please find more details in the attachment.