EFI Board welcomes new member and Chair

Alenka Korenjak (Slovenia) has been elected as a new EFI Board member by the EFI Council at its Ordinary session on 10 September.
Ms Korenjak works in the Forestry and Hunting Directorate of the Slovenian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food. For the last 12 years she has focused on forestry policy, the functioning of forest public service, and on forest legislation.
In addition, three Board members were re-elected by the EFI Council for a second three-year term: Erwin Dreyer (France), Hanna Kosonen (Finland) and Roland Daamen (Germany).
Marco Marchetti (Italy) was elected by the Board as its new Chair on 11 September. Professor Marchetti is Full Professor (Chair of Forest Management and Conservation) and Vice Rector at the University of Molise, Italy.
EFI warmly thanks the previous Board member and chair Knut Øistad (Norway) for his contribution and commitment to EFI’s activities during his time in office.