New Board members elected

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Three new EFI Board members were elected by the EFI Council at its meeting in Dublin, Ireland on 26 April.

Erwin Dreyer (France), is Head of the INRA Center of Grand Est Nancy, and chief editor of the Annals of Forest Science.

Hanna Kosonen (Finland), is a Member of the Parliament of Finland, a member of the Environment Committee and the chair of the Committee for a Sustainable Nordic Region in the Nordic Council.

Roland Daamen (Germany) works in the area of Forest Policy, Forest Supervision, Nature Conservation and Forests at the Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Agriculture, Conservation and Consumer Protection of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Knut Øistad (Norway), was re-elected by the Council for a second three-year term, and was elected by the Board as its new Chair.

EFI warmly thanks previous Board members Prof Dr Giuseppe E. Scarascia-Mugnozza (Italy, Chair of the Board), Dr Eeva Hellström (Finland, Vice Chair of the Board) and Prof Dr Frits Mohren (the Netherlands) for their contribution and commitment to EFI’s activities during their time in office.


Photo: Paul-Michel Ledoux