New Head of Programme appointed

Dr. Elisabeth Pötzelsberger has been appointed as the new Head of EFI’s Resilience Programme. She will take up her position at the beginning of August 2020 at the EFI Bonn office.
Dr. Pötzelsberger holds a PhD in Forest Sciences from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna. Her research interests lie in the cross-cutting topics of ecology, forest ecosystem functioning, forest landscape management and their relation to socio-economics and politics. This includes the impact of climate change and forest management on forest functioning, forest landscape restoration, the tree species question and genetic diversity issues.
Previously, Dr. Pötzelsberger has worked as a senior researcher at the Institute of Silviculture of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU University). From 2016 to 2018 she coordinated a very large and well received cross-cutting COST Action on risks and opportunities of non-native tree species in European forests (NNEXT), and she is currently deputy coordinator of IUFRO’s division on temperate and boreal silviculture.
EFI’s Resilience Programme investigates all questions relating to the resilience of forests and the livelihoods connected to them. The Programme, which is located in EFI’s Bonn office, conducts research, policy support and networking on four strategic themes: global change adaptation, biodiversity and integrated forest management, resilience at the urban-rural interface, and resilience stewardship.
More information: Robert Mavsar, Deputy Director, European Forest Institute,