Save the date: GreenPole conference on Nordic Forest Policies

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1st-2nd October 2025, in southern Sweden

Forests are – maybe more than ever – subject to multiple pressing interests. In the interest of a development that is beneficial for society, forest policy seeks to find and implement optimal compromises between these interests. This conference aims to gather scientists, policy makers and stakeholders to exchange what we already know about Nordic forest policies and identify what we still need to figure out.

The 2-day program includes:

  • high-level keynotes from science (Paula Horne, TBC, Research Director at Pellervo Economic Research and Lead of the evaluation group for the Forest Biodiversity Programme for Southern Finland 2008-2025) and policy (Jan Svensson, TBC, Swedish Government Offices, Nordic Council of Ministers),
  • a round table about the future of forest policies with participants from a wide range of stakeholders, 
  • scientific presentations, and a networking session
    So, if you work on forests and are interested in an exchange on the state of the art in Nordic forest policy and research, we cordially invite you to save the date!

The interdisciplinary project GreenPole “Green forests policies: a comparative assessment of outcomes and trade-offs across Fenno-Scandinavia” compares the governance approaches of forest policies across Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark over the last two decades. The project is funded by NordForsk and SNS in a consortium between Lund University, the University of Copenhagen, and the University of Helsinki for the period 2021-2025.

Image: Adobe.stock - kichigin19