The EFI Technical Assistance Project (EFITAP) supports countries address their forest governance and land use challenges. Funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, the project is a rapid response mechanism for strengthening forest governance and forest climate change linkages.

Strengthening forest governance
EFITAP is supporting forest governance improvements in six countries: Gabon, Ghana, Guyana, the Republic of the Congo, Papua New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands.
In Ghana, Guyana, and the Republic of the Congo, our support is aligned with the countries’ efforts to implement their FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreements with the EU.
We are helping to improve systems and capacities to verify that all timber products comply with relevant laws and regulations. In Guyana and the Republic of the Congo, we also give support to strengthening of the regulatory framework itself.
In Gabon, EFITAP is supporting modernisation of information management systems of the forest administration, in view of improving management and governance of timber resources.
In Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, we’re facilitating stakeholder engagement and consensus building on forest governance issues.
Climate solutions
EFITAP’s climate solutions work focuses on three areas: nature-related financial disclosure, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and other climate-related policy processes in tropical forest countries, and sustainable supply chains for forest-risk commodities.
We are helping to develop a reporting framework for the financial sector to disclose nature-related impacts, risks, dependencies and opportunities. In the Republic of the Congo, we back civil society participation and engagement in NDC and climate policy processes. To promote sustainable commodity production and trade, we are working to align the efforts of public and private stakeholders in producer countries and to enhance supply chain transparency.
This web page has been funded by UK aid from the UK Government; however, the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the UK Government’s official policies. The contents of this web page are the sole responsibility of the authors.