CA LEDS - Central Asia Low Carbon Emission Development Strategies

The project is a part of the large-scale initiative on “Orientation of infrastructure investments on the goals of the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda in Central and Southeast Asia” funded by IKI. The partners include OECD (SIPA program), UNDP, IISD, WWF, IDDRI among others. The project will facilitate engagement of the local experts and think tanks in the multinational Deep Decarbonization Pathways (DDP) Initiative, coordinated by IDDRI. EFI together with IDDRI will provide analytical and capacity building support of the low carbon emission development strategy planning in Central Asia (specifically, in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia).

Our main project activities include:

1) analytical support of decision makers on decarbonization pathways and policy options, including infrastructure development and bioeconomy solutions; 2) capacity building in analysis of decarbonization scenarios, raising awareness of local experts and international networking;
3) development of recommendations on improving the low carbon emission development strategies.

A series of awareness-raising and capacity development events will be designed to:
1) strengthen capacity of the local decision makers, think tanks, academia, business and NGOs in analysis of GHG emissions and removals, scenarios and long term projections of GHG emissions/removals by 2030 and 2050 and beyond, development of low carbon strategies and sectoral programs and plans, support in modelling of GHG emissions/removals where necessary;
2) provide analytical support in development and application of the methodologies for infrastructural and other climate related projects consistent with the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and Paris Agreement requirements;
3) familiarise stakeholders with modern instruments of climate policy analysis; and
4) engage local experts and scientists in the international scientific networks as well as facilitate joint research and publications on the national aspects of climate policy.



Project management
Diana Tuomasjukka, EFI
Project Schedule
Start Date
End Date
Project Status