Feeding China's Expanding Demand for Wood Pulp

The project focused on the following objectives:

  • Strategic information on policy and market factors driving China's expanding demand for wood-fiber pulp were systematically analyzed and widely disseminated;
  • Information required for efficient forest and land resource planning in two key fiber supply regions of China were generated and widely disseminated;
  • Benchmark for assessing the fiber supply strategies of major pulp producers in China and the environmental performance of wood pulp producers was established and disseminated;
  • Benchmark for assessing the impacts of China's demand for wood pulp on natural forests in supplier countries within South East Asia was assessed and disseminated;
  • Relevant information on China's pulp and paper industry and associated plantation resources was made accessible to a wide audience in the public domain;
  • Regular and effective dialogue among key stakeholders in the pulp and paper sector in China, South East Asia and Europe, was facilitated and enhanced.


Project management
info @ efi.int
Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
Project Schedule
Start Date
End Date
Project Status