The general objectives of the project were to create the Centre of excellence (LignoSilva) in the field of a forestry, woodprocessing and a pulp-paper complex. LignoSilva will help to strategically transform Forest-based sector of the region towards the innovation growth based on the knowledge economy (in terms of RIS 3 SK vision) and the implementation of the principles of Green Economy.
LignoSilva will represent a Centre of excellence that integrates research, development and innovation potential of the forest based industry that rationally links the chain of wood production, processing and utilization. The CE covers four interconnected priority areas:
1. Forest resources and sustainable wood production
2. Biomass and bioenergy
3. Paper-pulp technologies
4. Recycling and cascading system of wood and wood products use.
An operational centre of excellence would impact the entire forest-based value chain, from forestry operations, to production of wood-based products including pulp and paper,and energy production. It would significantly improve research intensity, innovation uptake and socio-economic sustainability of the forest sector.
EFI with its regional offices and its network of associate member organisations is in a unique position to provide collective science-based insights at European and regional level to support informed policy making. Concerning LignoSilva EFI's Research function aims to (i) Conduct and promote interdisciplinary and cross-sector research of the forest-based industry and (ii) Support the coordination, strengthening and networking of forest research capacities aiming to reduce the fragmentation and improve performance of forest-based industries in Slovakia.
To this end, EFI leads the work packages 2 "forestry based sector analyses" and 4 "teaming - system & organisation". EFI leads the tasks 1.3 "communications", 2.2 "assessment of knowledge gaps and scientific needs and priorities", 4.2 "partnership agreement". EFI leads development of deliverables of respective tasks, and additionally D3.2 "Identification of needs of new investments and capacity building to facilitate the development of a business plan" and D5.3 "Financial Analysis and Risk Management".
More information at the project website: (last visited 23.7.2018)