
Project full name: Den Wald vor lauter Bäumen sehen. Marteloskope als Forschungs- und Kommunikationsinstrument für integ-rative Waldwirtschaft – und Etablierung eines demoskopischen „Waldba-rometers“ in  Deutschland


Implementing integrated forest management is a core task of forestry that poses multiple challenges to forestry actors. Among those, the communication between society and forestry actors is a key challenge when implementing integrated forest management and balancing out forestry and societal needs towards forests. The Martelkom addresses societal perceptions, forestry and public relation work in a multi-step combination of complementary research and communication tools.

The project aims to:

  • Investigate the relationship between values, knowledge and attitudes of lay people and concrete silvicultural parameters in order to assess the potential for attitude change and learning through practical engagement with forestry
  • Assess perceptions (values, knowledge, attitudes) of forests and forestry in Germany along biographical characteristics
  • Extend Marteloscopes as a demonstration and training tool for integrated forest management by parameters of forest perception and recreation and to make the tool usable for the population ("citizen tool")
  • Develop communication recommendations for public relations work on integrative forest management

Methodologically, silvicultural exercises will be carried out in experiments with citizens and societal interest groups in Marteloscopes, practice and demonstration sites for integrated forest management. These qualitative and experimental findings will be quantified by means of a representative survey in Germany. In so doing, a well-founded and comprehensive picture of societal expectations towards forests and forestry differentiated by social milieus is generated, which is currently not available in this form. Based on the scientific findings, recommendations for public relations on integrated forest management forestry will be developed and a so-called "citizen tool" for Marteloscopes will be designed.

EFI leads the project management and leads or contributes to the respective research work packages. Scientific project partner is Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg (Freiburg, Germany). The project also collaborates with practice partners from the forestry administrations in North Rhine-Westphalia and Baden-Wurttemberg.



Project management
Theresa Frei,
Project Schedule
Start Date
End Date
Project Status