Collection and aggregation of single chain data from WP 3.1-WP 3.4 in order to derive ToSIA inputs in commonly agreed units and formats and deliver those to M1

Technical Report 78

Diana Vötter, Staffan Berg, Lars Wilhelmson, Volker Bölle, Arnaud Villette
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This report is a deliverable from the EU FP6 Integrated Project EFORWOOD – Tools for Sustainability Impact Assessment of the Forestry-Wood Chain. 

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Recommended citation:
Diana Vötter, Staffan Berg, Lars Wilhelmson, Volker Bölle and Arnaud Villette. 2011. Collection and aggregation of single chain data from WP 3.1-WP 3.4 in order to derive ToSIA inputs in commonly agreed units and formats and deliver those to M1. EFI Technical Report 78. European Forest Institute.

Number of pages: 44