
Download a complete list of scientific publications by EFI researchers: 2020 |2019 |2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013


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This open access article analyses the comprehensive history of governance dynamics behind two government-led incentive schemes in Ecuador and Peru.
Climate change
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It has been demonstrated the usefulness of infrastructures along a climatic gradient like REINFFORCE to determine major tendencies of tree species responding to climate changes.
Climate change
Planted forests
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Agroforestry is an integrated land use management that combines a woody component with a lower story agricultural production recognized as one of the most important tools to mitigate and adapt to
Climate change
Forest fires
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A new science-policy report from EFI demonstrates how different Climate-Smart Forestry measures in three European regions can enhance the role of forests in tackling climate change. Forests and the
Climate change
Policy support
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Climate change will impact forests and may impair their ability to provide essential ecosystem services in the decades to come. Addressing this challenge requires adjustments to forest management
Climate change
Forest management
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Reforestation with multiple tree species is a promoted strategy to mitigate global change and to improve forest resistance against natural hazards. Dryland reforestation often fails because seedlings
Climate change
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The approach developed during the BeWater project to make society an active participant in adapting river basin management to climate change is now available online. A newly published paper describes
Climate change
Public participation
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A team of researchers from EFI and five of its member organisations has published a paper looking at the potential climate change mitigation effects of EU forests. European forests and the forest
Climate change
Forest management
Policy support
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Catastrophic forest fires claimed lives this summer across the world, from California to Portugal and Spain. The Mediterranean basin is a global wildfire hotspot and the threat of wildfires to forests
Climate change
Forest fires
Forest management