A new report by researchers from the Natural Resources Institute Finland and the European Forest Institute assesses the current status of the bioeconomy in North Karelia in Finland and in China, and
The importance of a sustainable and circular bioeconomy in achieving the SDGs has been recognized at various political levels. The new article of Linser and Lier (2020) explored whether and how the
The aim of this article is to investigate whether agroforestry, the practice of integrating woody vegetation and agricultural crops and/or livestock, could be a management tool to reduce wildfires in
This study developed an analytical definition of forest-based bioeconomy, grounded on input from European forestry and bioeconomy capacity mapping exercises from five projects and with participation
This study estimates the value per hectare of the Arasbaran deciduous forest based on returns from 17 fruit-providing species and mapping their economic value.
Very recently, social innovation has become a subject of investigation in forest research. Earlier on, social innovation turned into a term used in EU policy strategies for addressing social issues