
Download a complete list of scientific publications by EFI researchers: 2020 |2019 |2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013


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The translation of genetic gains into economic gains is important for evaluating the impact of using genetically improved forest reproductive material (FRM) in the forest sector. However, few studies
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Social innovation (SI) impacts are long-term changes that affect different dimensions of territorial capital (i.e., economy, society, environment, governance) for the territory in which SI occurs. Yet
Capacity building
Rural development
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Despite the growing interest in social innovation (SI) in agriculture, the literature lacks validated tools for evaluating such initiatives. This paper provides an empirical application of the
Capacity building
Rural development
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Social innovations can tackle various challenges related to gender equity in rural areas, especially when such innovations are initiated and developed by women themselves. Researchers in this paper
Capacity building
Rural development
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The EU’s 2018 Bioeconomy Strategy Update and the European Green Deal recently confirmed that the bioeconomy is high on the political agenda in Europe. The authors propose a conceptual analysis
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The ecosystem services framework has become one of the most important paradigms in forest planning and management as a way to link the multiple provisioning, regulating, and cultural services derived
Ecosystem services
Forest management
Forest owners
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‘Tree – tree’ interactions are important structuring mechanisms for forest community dynamics. Forest management takes advantage of competition effects on tree growth by removing or retaining trees to
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The forest sector in various ways fosters employment, community development and prevents depopulation in marginalized rural areas. Since the economic recession in Europe from 2009, there has been a
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The benefits and impacts that nature-based solutions (NBS) provide on the relationships between people and nature are widely recognized (Raymond et al., 2017). The NBS concept advocates the inclusion
Ecosystem services
Urban forests