Political frameworks and policies have a strong influence on the institutional ecosystem and on governance patterns, which in turn shape the operational space of civil society initiatives. This
Sacred forests are an integral component of the mountainous cultural landscape of northern Greece, hypothesised to be the result of both ecological processes and site-specific forest management
Managing genetic diversity is of key importance in fostering resilience of forest ecosystems to climate change. We carried out a survey reaching over 200 forest owners and managers from 15 European
In this paper, we start with the assumption that employee innovativeness cannot be observed without the influence of an intrapreneurial climate. We test this relationship and its effects in public
This article conducts a systematic literature review of journal articles on innovation in forestry and forest-based industries. We include international, English language, peer-reviewed research
This publication is the output of two years of work by the Expert Group on Adaptation of Forests to Climate Change and includes summaries from two Forest Europe workshops that were organized with
The abandonment of agricultural land leads to landscape changes in many parts of Europe, often followed by natural forest regrowth. The interdisciplinary research project SPONFOREST focuses on these
Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) form an overarching framework to guide development at all scales from local to global. They are intended to holistically address
Wood is far from being only forest function provided to their owners. Hunting, wild forest product harvesting, exercise, nature watching, relaxation and many other similar functions can be bundled