Lindon Pronto holds a M.Sc. in Environmental Governance from the University of Freiburg, Germany. Lindon has over 15 years of experience and expertise in the field of landscape fires. He has worked and conducted research in over 10 countries. His professional career began in 2006 as a "Wildland Firefighter" in California with the U.S. Forest Service. In 2014 he moved to Germany and became a research assistant at the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC), Fire Ecology Working Group of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (2015-2019). Since 2017 Mr. Pronto has been chairman of the working group "Landscape Fire Crisis Mitigation" of the FiRe-IN Project (2017-2022) funded by the European Commission (H2020). He has been contracted by NGOs and international organisations: In Indonesia (ECO-Consult/GIZ), in the Democratic Republic of Congo (U.S. Forest Service International Programs/USAID; Lernen-Helfen-Leben) and in Europe (Pau Costa Foundation). Lindon regularly lectures at fire departments, trade fairs, schools and universities and appears in mass media. In May 2020 Lindon joined the European Forest Institute as a Senior Expert on Vegetation Fire Management and is primarily focused on enhancing wildfire management capacity in Germany at the science-policy-practitioner interface.