A. Contract Notice 3-15.2-2022 Supply, delivery, installation, configuration and deployment of servers and storage capacity to support the development of the Guyana Timber Legality Assurance System (GTLAS)
The tender shall arrive 18 March 2022, 17:00 UTC+2 at the latest.
B. Tender Specifications and its annexes
- Annex 1 Identification form
- Annex 2 Bank Identification form
- Annex 3 Declaration of exclusion criteria and absence of conflict of interest
- Annex 4 Information on lots
- Annex 5 Consortium agreement
- Annex 6 Cover letter lot 1
- Annex 7 Minimum criteria declaration and technical documentation lot 1
- Annex 8 Financial Proposal form lot 1
- Annex 9 Cover letter lot 2
- Annex 10 Minimum criteria declaration and technical documentation lot 2
- Annex 11 Financial Proposal form lot 2
- Annex 12 Model contract
C. Questions and answers
No question arrived by the deadline
D. Official notice of award of contract