Circular Bioeconomy Alliance inspires new Natural Capital strategy

The Circular Bioeconomy Alliance held its first event on 16 November, launching one of its flagship initiatives, a Natural Capital strategy developed by founding member Lombard Odier.
The online event “Driving change: Connecting investors to sustainable investable solutions” was opened by His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales. It discussed the opportunity to value and invest in our natural capital to drive economic growth as well as prosperity within our planetary boundaries.
The Natural Capital strategy is a unique global equity fund, which is directly inspired by HRH The Prince of Wales and developed in partnership with the Circular Bioeconomy Alliance, established under his Sustainable Markets Initiative. The first-of-its-kind strategy targets investment opportunities that accelerate the transformation towards a circular bioeconomy and a leaner form of industry.
Hubert Keller, Managing Partner of Lombard Odier Group and CEO of Lombard Odier IM said: “The investment industry, which represents $120 trillion of capital, will always seek returns as a primary objective. Today some of the most convincing returns opportunities lie in the transition to a more sustainable economic model, putting climate transition and nature centre stage.
“That is why we are launching the first Natural Capital Strategy, inspired by His Royal Highness, The Prince of Wales and in collaboration with the Circular Bioeconomy Alliance. By investing in companies that align their business models to the concept of Harnessing or Preserving Nature, our Natural Capital strategy has identified an untapped investment opportunity – one that we believe will deliver strong returns for investors and help accelerate the transition to a more sustainable economy.”
The Circular Bioeconomy Alliance aims to drive transformational change to a climate and nature positive economy by connecting investors to sustainable investable solutions. Marc Palahí, Director of the European Forest Institute and Coordinator of the Circular Bioeconomy Alliance said: “In a circular bioeconomy life becomes the true engine and true purpose of the economy, creating sustainable wellbeing in harmony with nature. The Circular Bioeconomy Alliance is a response to the call to action by HRH The Prince of Wales to put the world on a sustainable path. Our first Alliance event demonstrates that.”
More information
The Circular Bioeconomy Alliance is part of the Sustainable Markets Initiative. Founding donors and partners of the Circular Bioeconomy Alliance include: Sitra (The Finnish Innovation Fund), UPM, Astra Zeneca, Lombard Odier, New Generation Plantations Technical Assistance, Pretaterra, The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), World Agrofrestry (ICRAF), The World Economic Forum (WEF), The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Dasos Capital Oy, Wellbeing Economy Alliance, The World Resources Institute (WRI), The European Circular Bioeconomy Fund (ECBF), The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC).
More information: Marc Palahí (firstname.lastname @
The Circular Bioeconomy Alliance is facilitated by the European Forest Institute (EFI), an independent international science organization which generates, connects and shares knowledge at the interface between science and policy.
Photo: Evgeni Tcherkasski, Unsplash.