What Science can tell us about Forest Biodiversity in Europe & Launching of SUPERB

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Sibiu, Romania and online

This ThinkForest science-policy event on 30 May in Sibiu focused on forest biodiversity and forest restoration. 

A new EFI study on Forest Biodiversity in Europe was presented. The study assesses main threats and trends while discussing management options and policy instruments to govern biodiversity conservation in Europe.

The event also launched Europe’s largest transational forest restoration project, SUPERB. The Horizon 2020 project, coordinated by the European Forest Institute, involves more than 100 forest science and practice organizations in 20 different countries and includes 12 large-scale forest restoration demonstration sites across Europe. More info: SUPERB: Upscaling Forest Restoration - SUPERB (forest-restoration.eu)

View the programme, speakers and partners

SUPERB is funded by Horizon 2020 through Grant Agreement 101036849