World Circular Economy Forum, A more diverse role for forests

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Helsinki, Finland and online
World Circular Economy Forum


The World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF2023) focuses on "Circular solutions for nature and the economy", and takes place from 30 May-2 June in Helsinki. 

EFI and its member organisation International Forestry Students' Association (IFSA) are leading a session on 30 May:

A more diverse role for forests 

Time: 15:15–16:30 (UTC+3)

How can we future-proof our forests to thrive under the higher demands of the future?

Forests are key in providing circular solutions for nature, society and the economy. They already provide many valuable services, but how can this be improved in the future? This session looks at how we can sustainably manage and use our forests and forest-based products and services to ensure biodiversity recovery and multifunctionality even during increased demands from society.

Keynote speakers include Diana Tuomasjukka, head of EFI's Bioeconomy Programme.

More information: Rach Colling (firstname.lastname @