Field trip 7.10

Field trip on 7 October 

Please note: departure from Sant Pau – EFI Barcelona Office at 08:00AM. Expected arrival back at Sant Pau by 18:30. It is a 2h bus trip one way.

We will be visiting Finca Fitor, a 1,000 year-old rural property in one of the biggest privately-owned forest estates in Catalonia. Property is located at the heart of the mountain massif of Gavarres. 

Trip has two main themes:

  1. Multifunctional forest management and the provision of ecosystem services. Wood and non wood forest products (cork, pine cones).
  2. Watershed management and biomass use in Mediterranean Forest.

This is a great opportunity to learn about its historic and archeologic value, conservation efforts, agricultural projects and different land practices. Presentations and expert talks on biotechnology of the undergrowth, production of cork, production of pine cones and pine nuts, production of sticks and sawn wood of eucalyptus, ecological products of the estate farm (honey, Albera cattle breed, jams…), and archaeological and tourist heritage of the estate.

Aperitif, lunch and refreshments will be provided. All locally sourced.