Koli Forum Association dissolves, remaining funds directed to ENO Schoolnet

Koli Forum Association, which has been the driving force behind Koli Forum events, dissolves. It has shown the way for many other bioeconomy-related events and initiatives and contributed to the development of Finland's first bioeconomy strategy 2014. Its members concluded that the association has achieved its original goals of starting a high-level cross-sectoral dialogue and bringing visibility to the North Karelia region. As the number of the association's member organizations and event participants has decreased, it is time to give space to other event organizers, states the association's chair Jussi Manninen, VTT.
The members decided that the remaining funds of the association are directed to activities supporting forests and bioeconomy. ENO Schoolnet uses the funds to produce educational materials for children, says Kaija Saramäki, chair of ENO board. The materials will be freely available through ENO's website, and can be used for example during forest trips and other events.
Koli Forum was a high-level international discussion forum that focused on bioeconomy and the sustainable use of renewable natural resources. The first Koli Forum event was organized in 2009, and the Koli Forum Association was founded in 2014. EFI hosted the Secretariat of Koli Forum in 2020-2024.