New blog post: Digitalisation and AI – threat or utopia?

Digitalisation and forests were the main topics in the recent Finnish Puupodi-podcast, where EFI researcher Janni Kunttu met Martti Kulvik and Jussi Lintunen from Etla to discuss some of the findings of their FutureForest2040 project. A new blog post gives a summary of the podcast, addressing the role of forests in the future, assuming different scenarios. A recent scenario created in the FutureForest2040 project shows the threatening aspects of a deepening global crisis, over-consumption, an increasing gap between rich and poor and escalating competition over natural resources, boosted partly by digitalisation. In another FutureForest2040 scenario digitalization and AI are in fact among the most important drivers for security and sustainability.
Read the full blog post Digitalisation and AI – threat or utopia?
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