Visualise forest products trade flows with a new tool

The newly launched forest products trade flow visualization tool helps to facilitate an almost intuitive identification of the important products and trade partners in any given country’s trade of wood-based products. The tool allows to quickly and intuitively filter out the data that matter most, say the team at EFI, Jo Van Brusselen and Janne Järvikylä.
The tool enables users to explore yearly global forest products trade statistics through interactive graphics. The tool is meant for a variety of users, including researchers, market specialists, NGOs looking into the nexus between trade and economic development, deforestation free products, carbon flows etc. The team improved the functionality of the automated pdf-report options that can be customized by setting search parameters. In the background of the tool is the EFI trade flow database, which was updated to include data for the year 2021.
Access the tool here: Trade flow visualization tool (
The work was done in the scope of the BioScope project financed by the European Union and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the North Karelia Regional Council.
Photo: luchschenF / AdobeStock