Publications bank

Publication Bank

EFI Publications

What Science Can Tell Us Based on collective scientific expert reviews providing interdisciplinary background information on key and complex forest-related issues for policy and decision makers, citizens and society in general
From Science to Policy Brings together cross-boundary scientific knowledge and expertise to strengthen science-policy dialogue
Knowledge to Action Brings a wide range of research, projects and initiatives on forest-related issues closer to society
Policy Briefs (2022 onwards)

You can also find in the Publication Bank:

Annual reports EFI News (1993-2016) ThinkForest briefs (2013-2016)
Project publications and final reports Policy Briefs (2008-2013) Discussion Papers (1997-2012)
Technical Reports (2000-2017) Research Reports (1994-2011) Proceedings (1994-2010)

View scientific articles published externally, including in journals and project materials

Download a complete list of scientific publications by EFI researchers: 2020 |2019 |2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013

Published on
More information Recommended citation: Yves Birot, Carlos Gracia, Marc Palahí (eds). 2011. Agua para los Bosques y la Sociedad en el Mediterráneo – Un difícil equilibrio. What Science Can Tell Us 1
Policy support
Published on
The study guides the reader through the basics of water cycle, the concepts of blue and green water, their possible trade-off and the related key challenges with focus on the Mediterranean region and
Policy support
Published on
In this issue: From clouds to crowds - forest monitoring for everyone Storms - an increasing threat to Europe's forests Forest values and compliance with forestry legislation in Ghana
Climate change
Forest management
Published on
In this issue: Biomass from forests and other wooded lands - production and use Will there be enough wood for all? EFORWOOD ends, ToSIA continues Improving forest products price information in Europe
Published on
More information Recommended citation: Cristina Montiel and Daniel Kraus (editors). 2010. Best Practices of Fire Use – Prescribed Burning and Suppression Fire Programmes in Selected Case-Study Regions
Forest fires
Published on
More information Recommended citation: Francisco Rego, Eric Rigolot, Paulo Fernandes, Cristina Montiel, Joaquim Sande Silva. 2010. Προς μια ολοκληρωμένη Διαχείριση των Δασικών Πυρκαγιών. Policy Brief
Forest fires
Published on
More information Recommended citation: Francisco Rego, Eric Rigolot, Paulo Fernandes, Cristina Montiel, Joaquim Sande Silva. 2010. На пути к интегрированному управлению пожаром. Policy Brief 4
Forest fires
Published on
More information Recommended citation: Joaquim Sande Silva, Francisco Rego, Paulo Fernandes and Eric Rigolot (editors). 2010. Towards Integrated Fire Management – Outcomes of the European Project Fire
Forest fires
Published on
More information Recommended citation: Ulla Vänttinen, Gert-Jan Nabuurs, Leena Finér, Ari Laurén, Tarja Lehto and Tarmo Tossavainen (editors). 2010. Forest-water Interactions in Europe. Joensuu
Published on
La UE es un importante consumidor de productos de madera, y quienes exportan a la UE necesitan estar conscientes de los cambios que ocurren en los requisitos y las preferencias del mercado para que
Published on
Già da diversi anni, il problema degli incendi boschivi fa parte dell’agenda politica europea, sia riguardo alle attività di Forest Europe (la Conferenza Ministeriale sulla Protezione delle Foreste in
Forest fires
Published on
El fuego ha formado parte de la agenda política europea desde hace muchos años, tanto en el marco de la Conferencia Ministerial sobre Protección de los Bosques en Europa) como a través de los diversos
Forest fires
Published on
The EU is a major consumer of timber products, and exporters to the EU need to be aware of evolving market requirements and preferences if they are to compete effectively. Such requirements may be of
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For many years, fire has been on Europe’s political agenda both in the process of Forest Europe (the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe), and in the various discussions and
Forest fires
Published on
Pendant des années, le feu a figuré dans le programme politique de l’Europe tant au sein du processus Forest Europe (La Conférence Ministérielle pour la Protection des forêts en Europe), que dans les
Forest fires