Publications bank

Publication Bank

EFI Publications

What Science Can Tell Us Based on collective scientific expert reviews providing interdisciplinary background information on key and complex forest-related issues for policy and decision makers, citizens and society in general
From Science to Policy Brings together cross-boundary scientific knowledge and expertise to strengthen science-policy dialogue
Knowledge to Action Brings a wide range of research, projects and initiatives on forest-related issues closer to society
Policy Briefs (2022 onwards)

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Annual reports EFI News (1993-2016) ThinkForest briefs (2013-2016)
Project publications and final reports Policy Briefs (2008-2013) Discussion Papers (1997-2012)
Technical Reports (2000-2017) Research Reports (1994-2011) Proceedings (1994-2010)

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More information The Discussion Paper is divided into four sections. The first one presents some statistical figures on wildfire and underlines the trends. The second section deals with two basic
Forest fires
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Ecological and economic considerations recently increased the interest in growing valuable broadleaved tree species. Although the demand for valuable timber is growing, and there is a notable interest
Forest management
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More information Recommended citation: Pieter J. Verkerk, Giuliana Zanchi and Marcus Lindner. 2008. Impacts of Biological and Landscape Diversity Protection on the Wood Supply in Europe. EFI Technical
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More information Recommended citation: EFI FLEGT Team. 2008. Penegakan Hukum, Tata Kelola dan Perdagangan Sektor Kehutanan – Pendekatan Uni Eropa. Policy Brief 2. European Forest Institute Number of
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More information Recommended citation: Luca Cesaro, Paola Gatto and Davide Pettenella (editors). 2008. The Multifunctional Role of Forests - Policies, Methods and Case Studies. Proceedings 55
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Recommended citation Päivi Pelli. 2008. Review on Forest Sector Foresight Studies and Exercises. EFI Technical Report 29. 68 p.
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More information Recommended citation: EFI FLEGT Team. 2008. Application des réglementations forestières, gouvernance et échanges commerciaux – L’approche de l’Union Européenne. Le Cahier sur les
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More information Recommended citation. EFI FLEGT Facility. 2008. Aplicación des leyers, gobernanza y comercio forestales - el enfoque de la Unión Europea. EFI – informe de políticas nº 2. European
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More information Illegal logging and its environmental effects as well as its impacts on people, such as the fuelling of corruption and exacerbation of poverty, are among the reasons why the European
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Forest growth in Europe has been increasing during the last decades. The possible causes suggested to explain this have been increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration, improved temperature
Forest management
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More information Download the EFI Annual Report 2007 Supplement
Capacity building
Policy support
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More information This study shows that while some international forest sector information is good, accessible and meets user demand, in some cases the analysis and accessibility do not satisfy user
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Over the past two decades various European forest information projects have had the vision to build a distributed Europe forest information network, in which existing data can be identified and made
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More information "Making European Forests Work for People and Nature" identifies critical forest policy issues in Europe and presents research-based opinions on possible solutions. Its focus is on
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More information Recommended citation: Marc Palahí, Yves Birot and Mercedes Rois (editors). 2007. Scientific Tools and Research Needs for Multifunctional Mediterranean Forest Ecosystem Management
Ecosystem services
Forest management