Publications bank

Publication Bank

EFI Publications

What Science Can Tell Us Based on collective scientific expert reviews providing interdisciplinary background information on key and complex forest-related issues for policy and decision makers, citizens and society in general
From Science to Policy Brings together cross-boundary scientific knowledge and expertise to strengthen science-policy dialogue
Knowledge to Action Brings a wide range of research, projects and initiatives on forest-related issues closer to society
Policy Briefs (2022 onwards)

You can also find in the Publication Bank:

Annual reports EFI News (1993-2016) ThinkForest briefs (2013-2016)
Project publications and final reports Policy Briefs (2008-2013) Discussion Papers (1997-2012)
Technical Reports (2000-2017) Research Reports (1994-2011) Proceedings (1994-2010)

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Published on
More information Recommended citation: Stuart Dedrick, Heinrich Spiecker, Christophe Orazio, Margarida Tomé and Inazio Martinez (eds.). 2007 Plantation or Conversion - The Debate! Discussion Paper 13
Published on
More information Recommended citation: Giuliana Zanchi, Daniel Thiel, Tim Green and Marcus Lindner. 2007. Forest Area Change and Afforestation in Europe: Critical Analysis of Available Data and the
Published on
More information Recommended citation: Mart-Jan Schelhaas, Jeannette Eggers, Marcus Lindner, Gert-Jan Nabuurs, Ari Pussinen, Risto Päivinen, Andreas Schuck, P.J. Verkerk, D.C. van der Werf and Sergey
Published on
More information Recommended citation: Marc Palahí, Yves Birot and Mercedes Rois (editors). 2007. Scientific Tools and Research Needs for Multifunctional Mediterranean Forest Ecosystem Management
Ecosystem services
Forest management
Published on
More information Download the EFI Annual Report 2006 Supplement
Capacity building
Policy support
Published on
More information Recommended citation: Brita Pajari. 2006. How to organise a scientific event. EFI Technical Report 22. European Forest Institute. Note: only available upon request from the author
Published on
More information Recommended citation: Mercedes Rois-Díaz, Rosa Mosquera-Losada and Antonio Rigueiro-Rodríguez. 2006. Biodiversity Indicators on Silvopastoralism across Europe. EFI Technical Report 21
Published on
More information Recommended citation: Risto Päivinen and Marcus Lindner. 2006. Assessment of Sustainability of Forest-Wood Chain. EFI Technical Report 23. European Forest Institute. Number of pages
Published on
More information Download the EFI Annual Report 2005 Supplement
Capacity building
Policy support
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Current developments in Central Europe will have far-reaching consequences on the region’s forestry and related institutional arrangements, such as forest administration, extension services and forest
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More information Recommended citation: Andreas Ottitsch, Alexander Moiseyev, Nikolai Burdin and Lauma Kazusa. 2005. Impacts of Reduction of Illegal Logging in European Russia on the EU and European
Illegal logging
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More information Recommended citation: Jeannette Meyer. 2005. Fire Effects on Forest Resource Development in the French Mediterranean Region – Projections with a Large-Scale Forest Scenario Model. EFI
Forest fires
Published on
More information Recommended citation: Heikki Pajuoja, Ludek Sisak and Krzysztof Kaczmarek (editors). 2005. Evaluating Forestry Incentives and Assistance Programmes in Europe – Challenges to Improve
Published on
More information Recommended citation: Jo Van Brusselen and Andreas Schuck. 2005. Policy Foundations Review for Geographically Explicit Information Needs on Forests. EFI Technical Report 18. European
Published on
More information Recommended citation: François Houllier, Julius Novotny, Risto Päivinen, Kaj Rosén, Giuseppe Scarascia-Mugnozza and Konstantin von Teuffel. 2005 Future Forest Research Strategy for a