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EFI Publications

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From Science to Policy Brings together cross-boundary scientific knowledge and expertise to strengthen science-policy dialogue
Knowledge to Action Brings a wide range of research, projects and initiatives on forest-related issues closer to society
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Published on
In Europe, forest policy discussions are moving towards a European-Union-wide strategy. This will further strengthen the relations between the European countries in the field of forests and forest
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More information Recommended citation: Andreas Schuck, Jo Van Brusselen, Risto Päivinen, Tuomas Häme, Pamela Kennedy and Sten Folving. 2002. Compilation of a Calibrated European Forest Map Derived
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Proceedings of the International Conference, Rovaniemi, Finland, 17-20 June 2001 More information Recommended citation: A. Ottitsch, I. Tikkanen, P. Riera (editors). 2002. Financial Instruments of
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Proceedings of the International IURFO Meeting and COST E19 MG and WG meetings in Savonlinna, Finland, 4–6 April, 2002 More information Recommended citation: Ilpo Tikkanen, Peter Glück and Heikki
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More information Recommended citation: Thies Eggers. 2002. The Impacts of Manufacturing and Utilisation of Wood Products on the European Carbon Budget. Internal Report 9. European Forest Institute
Climate change
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The role of forests in nature tourism is becoming increasingly important. The aim of this report is to assess the role that nature, and particularly forests, play in tourism and recreation, and also
Forest management
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More information Recommended citation: Tiia Yrjölä. 2002. Forest Management Guidelines and Practices in Finland, Sweden and Norway. Internal Report 11. European Forest Institute Number of pages: 46
Forest management
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More information In this paper we look at overall trends in the trade of forest products by East Asian countries in relation to Europe and the world during the past four decades. East Asia consists of
Forest products
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Proceedings of the Scientific Seminar in Bordeaux, France, 8 September, 2001 More information Recommended citation: Michel Arbez, Yves Birot and Jean-Michel Carnus (editors). 2002. Risk management and
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Proceedings of the Seminar COST Action E19: National Forest Programmes in a European Context, Oslo, Norway, 13–1 5 September, 2001 More information Recommended citation: O. Gislerud and I. Neven
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More information Recommended citation: Andrei P. Kirilenko. 2002. Simulation of long-term dynamics of forest wildfires in Russia with Marcovian model. Internal Report 10. European Forest Institute
Forest fires
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Since the initiation of the ICP Forests programme, an information need on the forest condition has evolved. Many international conventions related to forests have been agreed upon and they are being
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More information Recommended citation: Andreas Schuck, Risto Päivinen, Tuomo Hytönen and Brita Pajari. 2002. Compilation of forestry terms and definitions. Internal Report 6. European Forest Institute
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Rural areas across Europe are facing more rapid emigration than ever before. Due to the diminishing prospects for financially feasible agriculture, and the lack of supplementing sources of income
Ecosystem services
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Proceedings of the Scientific Seminar of the 7th Annual EFI Conference Instituto Superior de Agronomia – ISA, Lisbon, Portugal 3 September 2000 More information Recommended citation: Tim Green (editor
Planted forests