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EFI Publications

What Science Can Tell Us Based on collective scientific expert reviews providing interdisciplinary background information on key and complex forest-related issues for policy and decision makers, citizens and society in general
From Science to Policy Brings together cross-boundary scientific knowledge and expertise to strengthen science-policy dialogue
Knowledge to Action Brings a wide range of research, projects and initiatives on forest-related issues closer to society
Policy Briefs (2022 onwards)

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Annual reports EFI News (1993-2016) ThinkForest briefs (2013-2016)
Project publications and final reports Policy Briefs (2008-2013) Discussion Papers (1997-2012)
Technical Reports (2000-2017) Research Reports (1994-2011) Proceedings (1994-2010)

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Published on
More information Recommended citation: L.G. Khanina, M.V. Bobrovsky, T. Karjalainen and A.S. Komarov. 2001. A review of recent projects on forest biodiversity investigations in Europe including Russia
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Proceedings of the International Conference, Joensuu, Finland, 25–28 September, 2000 More information Recommended citation: P. Pelkonen, P. Hakkila, T. Karjalainen and B. Schlamadinger (editors). 2001
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This report (and map) presents the results of the project "Combining geographically referenced and earth observation data and forest statistics for deriving a forest map of Europe". The practical part
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Proceedings of the Europaforum Forstverwaltung 2000; Salzburg, Austria, 10-14 September, 2000 More information Recommended citation: Max Krott (editor). 2001. Strategien der staatlichen
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Proceedings of the International Workshop, Brussels, Belgium, 6–7 September 2001 More information Recommended citation: Markku Simula, Ewald Rametsteiner, Anni Blåsten, Tim Green and Brita Pajari
Forest management
Published on
More information Recommended citation: A. Pussinen, M.J. Schelhaas, E. Verkaik, E. Heikkinen, J. Liski, T. Karjalainen, R. Päivinen and G.J. Nabuurs. 2001. Manual for the European Forest Information
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Proceedings of the International Conference, Nancy, France, 21–2 5 March 2000 More information Recommended citation: A. Franc, O. Laroussinie and T. Karjalainen (editors). 2001. Criteria and
Forest management
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Proceedings of the International IUFRO Symposium in Joensuu, Finland, 20-26 March, 2001 More information Recommended citation: Anssi Niskanen and Johanna Väyrynen (editors). 2001. Economic
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Proceedings of the International Conference, Bordeaux, France, 7–9 September, 2000 More information Recommended citation: J-M. Carnus, R. Dewar, D. Loustau, M. Tomé and C. Orazio (editors). 2001
Forest management
Planted forests
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More information Recommended citation: Timo Karjalainen, Bernhard Zimmer, Staffan Berg, Johannes Welling, Hannes Schwaiger, Leena Finér and Patricia Cortijo. 2001. Energy, Carbon and Other Material
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More information Recommended citation: Pere Riera. 2001. Assessment of methodologies for valuing biological diversity of forests. Internal Report 4. European Forest Institute Number of pages: 14 (Note
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The principal objective of these guidelines is to provide assistance for developing a generic monitoring system for the assessment of the socio-economic performance of farm forestry enterprises. The
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According to the FAO's State of the world's forests 1999, the total forest area in Russia is 764 million hectares. In the international statistics the forest resource of Russia is treated as one unit
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The condition of floodplain forests and ecological impacts of anthropogenic effects is reviewed. The most important anthropogenic impacts dealt with are as follows: decrease of floodplain forest area
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Proceedings of the International Workshop in Brno, Czech Republic, 22–25 June 1998 More information Recommended citation: Emil Klimo, Herbert Hager and Jirí Kulhavý (editors). 2000. Spruce
Forest management