In this issue: European diversity explored Living with wildfires - what science can tell us Preventing wildfires requires a change of vegetation structure Creating forest conservation policies in SE
In this issue: Let's get mobilized Stronger capacities with FOPER Shape your sustainability tools Tempus project results in the establishment of Povolgie forest cluster Mediterranean forests need more
In this issue: EFI 20 years Managing Mediterranean forests as complex social-ecological systems Planted forests constitute strategic but vulnerable resources Pan-European criteria and indicators need
In this issue: Creative destruction and bioeconomy Harvesting more forest biomass sustainably Agroforestry and green economy ambitions What is the role of Mediterranean forests in the bioeconomy?
The FORVALUE project, commissioned by DG AGRI, aimed to produce an overview of all goods and services provided from and by forests in EU, to identify non-market goods and services and to produce an
FORESTERRA was an ERA-NET Scheme financed by the European Commission under its Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). FORESTERRA reinforced the scientific coordination and integration of Mediterranean
A new synthesis report coordinated by the European Forest Institute “A forest-based circular bioeconomy for southern Europe: visions, opportunities and challenges” considers the elements required to
Reconciling economic prosperity with environmental protection requires wise regional development Over the last years, the bioeconomy has been held aloft as the eco-friendly solution for a post-oil