Local projects for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) were frequently designed as pilot actions to inform future upscaled initiatives. Drawing lessons from these
After years of multilateral deliberations on how to stop global deforestation, such as REDD+ under the UNFCCC, deforestation-free supply chain (DFSC) initiatives emerged from the private sector
This paper presents an evidence gap map of forest conservation interventions in low- and middle-income countries based on evidence published over the period 2016 to mid-2018. It serves as an update
Command-and-control policies are often criticised as insufficient to tackle tropical deforestation. Over the past two decades, both academics and policy-makers have promoted incentive-based policies
This open access article employed content analysis of the main global policy documents related to FLEGT and REDD+ to identify the potential contributions of the two regimes to SFM, and strategies to
This book provides a critical, evidence-based analysis of REDD+ implementation so far, without losing sight of the urgent need to reduce forest-based emissions to prevent catastrophic climate change.