Urban forests

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This chapter tries to shift the focus somewhat from tree planting to conserving existing trees in cities, which is a large challenge. De Vreese, Rik , and Muys, Bart. 2024. “On the need of large old
Urban forests
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Download Policy Brief 9 in Italian . L’urbanizzazione sta rapidamente trasformando le nostre società, ponendo sfide legate al cambiamento climatico, alla perdita di biodiversità e al degrado
Health and wellbeing
Policy support
Urban forests
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Download Policy Brief 9: Combating health problems with urban forests Download the graph: Urban greening contributes to health promoting behaviours, reduces the negative impact of climate change, and
Urban forests
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Purpose of Review Agroforestry and urban forestry have evolved mainly as separate disciplines, although they share a long history of tree cultivation in man-made environments. Here, we review their
Climate change
Ecosystem services
Urban forests