"What is” series goes beyond a definition

Our new “What is” series offers concise insights into key forest-related topics. Each one-pager provides a clear and accessible overview of the topic at hand rather than a strict definition, helping the reader to grasp the essence of complex subjects at a glance. The series, grounded in both scientific research and expert insights, also briefly address the status of knowledge and sometimes provide in-depth insights into what is not yet known.
‘Policy-makers, stakeholders, scientists and experts are all united by the fact that they want to get quick and reliable information. Searching the internet, you may not be sure if the information you find is trustworthy or get a full understanding of the current status of knowledge. Our new “What is” series delivers quick, reliable information with a knowledge twist and visual element that provides more clarity’, says Helga Pülzl, EFI’s Assistant Director for Policy Support.
The series is compiled with the top scientists and experts on each topic. Our first two snapshots feature closer-to-nature forestry and urban forestry. All contributions to the series will be available on our website and are freely downloadable.
Download "What is closer-to-nature forestry?"
Download "What is urban forestry?"
Photo: focus finder / Adobe Stock