Agroforestry is an integrated land use management that combines a woody component with a lower story agricultural production recognized as one of the most important tools to mitigate and adapt to
The four year EU FP7 project Valerie (VALorising European Research for Innovation in agriculturE and forestry) started on 1 January and the kick off meeting took place 16-17 January in Wageningen, the
The objectives of this Concerted Action FAIR3 CT96-1414 were: to make the existing experiences and expertise on farm forestry accountancy data networks generally available; to outline approaches for
In this issue: Creative destruction and bioeconomy Harvesting more forest biomass sustainably Agroforestry and green economy ambitions What is the role of Mediterranean forests in the bioeconomy?
This paper is the work from AGFORWARD project funded from the European Union´s Seventh Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration under Grant Agreement no. 613,520
Proceedings of the International Workshop in Freiburg, Germany, 23–26 September 1998 and the MOSEFA Final Seminar in Iisalmi, Finland 9–13 June 1999 More information Recommended citation: Anssi
Proceedings of MOSEFA concerted Action Project (FAIR-CT96-1414) Workshop B, Trento, Italy, 19-22 April 1998 More information Recommended citation: Pentti Hyttinen and Timo Kallio (editors). 1998
Proceedings of the MOSEFA Concerted Action Project (FAIR3-CT-96-1414) Workshop A: Methodological Issues of Cost Accountancy in European Farm Forest Enterprises, Zeist, the Netherlands, 28-31 August
Agroforestry is a sustainable land management system recognized worldwide but not implemented in a extensive form in temperate and developed countries. Agroforestry has been promoted in the last
Agroforestry is the integration of trees, crops and/or livestock on the same area of land. Europe has many traditional agroforestry systems with high environmental and cultural values, but also