YLP Mediterranean 2018
Silva Mediterranea is one of the FAO statutory bodies to provide neutral fora for discussion in the field of forestry that cover the Mediterranean region. They propose a forum for advising and taking action on key forestry issues for Mediterranean countries. The work of the FAO Forestry statutory bodies is a combination of problem identification and policy and technical advice, to FAO, its members and others as appropriate. |
The International Centre on Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves serves as a model for scientific cooperation between the two shores of the Mediterranean and provides a platform of information exchange on all issues related to biosphere reserves and their sustainable development. The Centre acts as a platform for training and transferring advanced knowledge on environmental and societal issues between developed and developing countries in the Mediterranean basin. |
The Mediterranean Model Forest Network is the regional programme of work for the International Model Forest Network (IMFN). The IMFN implements a participatory, landscape-level approach to the sustainable management of natural resources. The Model Forest approach offers an effective and flexible process that creates broad partnerships and represents the environmental, social and economic forces at play on the landscape. |
REVOLVE publishes a quarterly international magazine focusing on the themes of water (winter), nature (spring), energy (summer) and mobility (fall). REVOLVE coordinates publications, curates photo exhibitions and organizes forums. REVOLVE also offers graphic design, data visualization, content development, branding and marketing, social media engagement and media relations to maximize outreach and impact reporting for EU projects and other partner campaigns. REVOLVE works with partners to accelerate the energy transformation for a cleaner world. |