Dare to Explore! Open Traineeships

The Joint EFI-IFSA-IUFRO project on global student networking and green jobs in the forest sector is offering some unique traineeship opportunities:
The Dare to Explore! Traineeship Program offers four, paid traineeship positions, in prestigious institutions each year. The traineeships aim to enrich students and recent graduates’ formal education and gain insight into the science-policy-interface at the international level, including research, communication, and policy-relevant activities.
We are delighted to share the open call for the following open traineeship positions at EFI, IUFRO and CIFOR-ICRAF:
DTE_01: Traineeship at the EFI-IFSA-IUFRO Project in Bonn, Germany on “Changes in forest-related employment”
DTE_02: Traineeship at IUFRO Headquarters in Vienna, Austria on Science-Policy Interlinkages
DTE_03: Traineeship at the EFI office Bonn, Germany on “Urban forestry – repository of case study development”
DTE_04: Traineeship at CIFOR-ICRAF in Bonn, Germany on “Wood biomass for energy production in Serbia: Integrated approach to mitigate climate change, generate employment, and restore biodiversity”
The hosting organizations are inviting applications by all students or recent graduates (Within one year after graduation) from universities with an IFSA LC. The application deadline is November 30th, 2020 at 11:59 pm CET.
Green Jobs Project website here.