A decade of publications

EFIPLANT has always worked very closely with the regional and national stakeholders in its network. It therefore ensured that they reap the benefits of work accomplished on an international level by providing accessible and clear information most often in their own language.
Whenever possible, many articles (whether they be for media, newsletters, journals or websites, etc.) and other publications (project output, brochures, etc.) have thus been translated into or written directly in target languages:
- Orazio C. & Carnus J.-M. 2013. Résumé pour les décideurs du 3e Congrès international des forêts cultivées. Revue Forestière Française. Vol. LXV, n°3, p. 265‑270.
- Martres J.-L., Carnus J.-M., Orazio C. 2011. Les indicateurs MCPFE sont-ils intéressants pour les forêts plantées ? EFI, 54 p.(Discussion Paper, 16)
- Orazio C. & Cordero R. 2015. Un réseau d’arboretums face au changement climatique. Forêt entreprise. n°223, p. 32‑34.
- Orazio C., Srdjan Stojnic, Stojanović D., Nahia Gartzia & Hayes S. 2014. Influence du changement climatique sur les forêts européennes et sur le secteur forestier - www.rokfor.eu.
- Fermet-Quinet S., Régolini M., Orazio C., Branco M., Vilas Boas L., Arias A., et al. 2014. Outils institutionnels, systèmes et organisations pour la gestion des risques naturels dans les régions du projet FORRISK.
- Hetemäki L., Hanewinkel M., Muys B., Ollikainen M., Palahí M. & Trasobares A. 2018. Ouvrir la voie à une stratégie européenne de bioéconomie circulaire. From Science to Policy 5.
In addition, up until 2018, the unit’s newsletter was sent out in French, Spanish and English, not to mention in Portuguese until 2015.
When it was not possible to translate documents, it was produced in an accessible and attractive way in the country of origin's language:
- Fermet-Quinet S., Régolini M., Orazio C., Branco M., Vilas Boas L., Arias A., et al. 2014. Gestion intégrée des risques en forêt, Gestion integrada de los riesgos en los bosques plantados, Gestão integrada dos riscos nas florestas cultivadas. 143 p.
- Orazio C., Kies U. & Edwards D. 2017. Handbook for wood mobilisation in Europe. Measures for increasing wood supply from sustainably managed forests. IEFC. EFI, 116 p.
- Orazio, C., Cordero Debets R., Di Lucchio L., Diez Casero J., Prieto Recio C., Bravo F., et al. 2013. Arboretum and demonstration site catalogue REINFFORCE. 96 p.
We have also gained peer recognition in the academic field from scientific publications demonstrating the validity and transdisciplinary nature of our activities, which we produced in response to requirements of funding sources or to meet EFI’s expectations of excellence:
- Correia H., Almeida H., Branco M., Tomé M. & Cordero Montoya R. 2018. Early Survival and Growth Plasticity of 33 Species Planted in 38 Arboreta across the European Atlantic Area ». Forests. Vol. 9, n°10, p. 630
- Orazio C., Cordero Montoya R., Régolini M., Borges J., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Barreiro S., et al. 2017. Decision Support Tools and Strategies to Simulate Forest Landscape Evolutions Integrating Forest Owner Behaviour: A Review from the Case Studies of the European Project, INTEGRAL. Sustainability. Vol. 9, n°5, p. 599.
- Brus R., Pötzelsberger E., Lapin K., Brundu G., Orazio C., Straigyte L., et al. 2019. Extent, distribution and origin of non-native forest tree species in Europe. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research. p. 1‑12.
- Jactel H., Nicoll B. C., Branco M., Gonzalez-Olabarria J. R., Grodzki W., Långström B., et al. 2009. The influences of forest stand management on biotic and abiotic risks of damage ». Annals of Forest Science. Vol. 66, n°7, p. 701‑701.
- Gardiner, B., Schuck, A., Schelhaas, M-J., Orazio, C., Blennow, K. & Nicoll, B. (Eds.). 2013. Living with Storm Damage to Forests: What Science Can Tell Us 3. EFI.
- Orazio C. « Sustainable Planted Forests to Meet Growing Global Needs ». IUFRO Spotlight. November 2016. n°41, p. 2.
- Branco M., Brockerhoff E. G., Castagneyrol B., Orazio C. & Jactel H. 2015. Host range expansion of native insects to exotic trees increases with area of introduction and the presence of congeneric native trees. Journal of Applied Ecology. Vol. 52, n°1, p. 69‑77.
Policy being a strong component of EFI, the unit was able to diversify its target audience to include policy makers and political stakeholders leading it to become a facility in 2018. This privileged position between science and stakeholders meant that it developed a capacity to summarise, resulting in a number of policy briefs and reports:
- Green T., Orazio C., Kies U. & Edwards D. 2017. The SIMWOOD project: A demonstration of the potential to increase wood mobilisation. Policy Brief.
- Gardiner B., Blennow K., Carnus J. M., Fleischer P., Ingemarson F., Landmann G., et al. 2010. Destructive storms in European forests: past and forthcoming impacts.
- Planted forest constitute a strategic but vulnerable resources for future green economy - Summary Report of the 3rd International Congress on Planted Forests 2013.
- Orazio C. & Cordero R. 2015. Un réseau d’arboretums face au changement climatique. Forêt entreprise. n°223, p. 32‑34.
- Orazio C. & Carnus J.-M. 2013. Résumé pour les décideurs du 3e Congrès international des forêts cultivées. Revue Forestière Française. Vol. LXV, n°3, p. 265‑270.
Written by Christophe Orazio (EFI) and edited by Stephanie Hayes (Hayes4Com)