ROSEWOOD4.0 Knowledge Platform for Regional Forest Innovation

The Knowledge Platform for Regional Forest Innovation, a new open portal that collects best practices and digital innovations in the European forestry sector, is now available as a result of the ROSEWOOD4.0 EU project, in which the European Forest Institute is participating as a consortium member. This initiative, funded by Horizon 2020, aims to harness digital solutions and boosts knowledge transfer connecting multiple actors along the forest value chain to reinforce the sustainability of forest resilience and wood mobilisation in Europe. The first public beta version is now online at
The platform is a “one-stop shop” that simplifies sharing knowledge about sustainable, efficient, and data-driven management of Europe’s forests. It is free to use for any forestry practitioner or other interested user, from the public and private sectors to policymakers and researchers, to any individual interested in forestry. The main objective of the Knowledge Platform for Regional Forest Innovation is to provide easy access to usable information in the form of 260 factsheets highlighting outstanding practices and innovations in forestry from more than 15 European countries. With a user-friendly interface and a multilingual search option, the online repository helps direct sharing and transfer of these practices and innovations to practitioners in forestry and wood industries all over Europe.
The open access repository contains factsheets, videos, additional materials, and the contact details of the organisations who have developed these solutions. With this new tool, ROSEWOOD4.0 seeks to connect and facilitate exchange between the different regions for wider replication and uptake of practices across Europe: a best practice in forest management from one country can be useful and applicable in another country, and vice versa.
A European-wide collaborative effort
The Knowledge Platform for Regional Forest Innovation has been developed by the ROSEWOOD4.0 project consortium, which aims to bridge the gap between innovators, scientists, technology providers and professionals, landowners and other stakeholders in forestry and related sectors who can benefit from learning new ways of managing forests towards resilience, sustainability, and socio-economic impacts. The platform was developed by Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH (Germany), InnovaWood (Belgium), CESEFOR Foundation (Spain) and the European Forest Institute (Finland), with contributions from 17 consortium partners from all over Europe.