Meet 2018 SSV grantees!
Alessia Portaccio from the University of Padova, Italy.
She visited the University of Freiburg, Germany 11-30 October 2018.
Multi-scale assessment of forest biodiversity change: sharing methods and data to analyse the implementation of the Natura200-related policies in different national contexts
Eulàlia Baulenas i Serra from the University of Freiburg, Germany.
She visited the European Forest Institute 1-19 October, 2018.
Policy integration between the forest and water sectors in the region of Catalonia
Kelly Peeters from InnoRenew CoE, Slovenia
She visited the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Norway 20 September - 4 October, 2018.
Determination of leaching products and fungal decay test on modified wood impregnated with non-toxic chemicals
Michal Pástor from National Forest Centre – Forest Research Institute in Zvolen, Slovakia.
He visited Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic 18-29 June, 2018
Monitoring and assessment of agroforestry systems: sustainable land use systems to mitigate climate change and building for greener rural development
Priit Põllumäe from the Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia.
He visited the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria 13-27 August, 2018.
Private forest policy and management in Estonia – discourses on the national governance arrangements
Simone Iacopino from the University of Padova, Italy
He visited INRA University of Bordeaux, France, 28-31 October 2018 and 23 April – 31 May 2019.
Joint between ecologists, hydrologists and economists: exploring the multiple effects of the invasive alien Robinia tree
Todora Rogelja from the University of Padova, Italy.
She visited the University of Freiburg, Germany, 25.11.-16.12.2018.
Analyzing Governance Capacities of Public Actors for Supporting Forest-Based Social Innovation Initiatives– Moving Beyond Lead Roles of Public Actors to Building New Collaborative Governance Arrangements
Volodymyr Blyshchyk from National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.
He visited Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland, 13-27 January 2019.
Wood density, above-ground live biomass and biomass expansion factor for trees of soft wood deciduous species of Ukraine
More information
The aims of a Short Scientific Visit are to contribute to the scientific objectives of EFI and to strengthen the EFI network by allowing young scientists to: gain experience of working in a different organisation in another European country, foster collaboration, and learn a new technique, methods or tools not available in their own institution.