Forest innovation workshop 2016

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Event start date
Brussels, Belgium

Inform-Prioritize-Collaborate: Cooperation of Regions on innovation in forest management, use of wood and forest-related services

Summary report of the Workshop (PDF)
Outcomes of the workshop (PDF)
Agenda (PDF)
Photos from the event ( photos: Gerd Thomsen/EUSTAFOR )

Forest innovation workshop 2016
Photo: Gerd Thomsen/EUSTAFOR


On 20 May 2014 regional forest actors and experts joined forces for the identification of priority areas on which innovation support efforts through Rural Development policies and other European programmes should be focused.

One year and a half after this meeting, Rural Development Programmes have been approved, or are in the final approval phase, offering supporting measures for innovating the forest sector. It’s now time to show what Regions are planning or already implementing, to inspire other territories to make use of the available measures (particularly the setting up of EIP AGRI Operational Groups) and to establish cross-border cooperation.


Starting from the 4 challenges defined during the 2014 edition, this second workshop focused on practical ideas and cases on tackling forest-related challenges through innovation and cross sectorial collaboration

  • which can be supported as EIP AGRI Operational Groups under the 2014-2020 Rural Development Programmes
  • or which can be supported by other relevant programmes (Horizon 2020, COSME, LIFE, INTERREG).

The event provided an opportunity to bring together potential stakeholders to improve their project ideas and to help Managing Authorities of Rural Development Programmes in better targeting their priorities when implementing their measures to support innovation in forestry.

Forest innovation workshop 2016
Photo: Gerd Thomsen/EUSTAFOR


Multi Actor Projects and Thematic Networks relevant for Forestry in the 2016/17 Horizon 2020 Workprogrammes – Doru Leonard IRIMIE, European Commission DG RTD, Unit “Agri-Food Chain”

Support to Forest Innovation in the EU Forest Strategy and its Forest MAP – María GAFO GÓMEZ-ZAMALLOA, European Commission DG AGRI, Unit “Environment, Forestry and Climate Change”

Understorey biomass for Mediterranean Forests care – Juan BOTEY SERRA, Finca-Fitor (Spain)

Revitalizing the Castanea wood value-chain – Giustino MEZZALIRA, Veneto Agricoltura (Italy), Marco GRENDELE, Studio Landes (Italy)

Substitution of insecticides with wax - Jarl Markus PETTERSEN, Norsk Wax AS (Norway)

Precision forestry in EU mountain areas - Gianni PICCHI, CNR-IVALSA (Italy)

Concerted forest management at landscape scale - Christophe CHAUVIN, IRSTEA (France)

The French context at a glance - Clotilde GIRY, National Center of Forest Ownership (France)

Practical information

The workshop "Inform-Prioritize-Collaborate: Cooperation of Regions on innovation in forest management, use of wood and forest-related services" took place on 29 January 2016. The initiative was kindly hosted by the Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the European Union, Rue Wiertz 77, 1000 Brussels.


  • European Regions for Innovation in Agriculture, Food and Forestry (ERIAFF Network)
  • European Forest Institute (EFI)
  • European Association of Mountain Areas (EUROMONTANA)
  • European Confederation of Forest Owners (CEPF)
  • European State Forest Association (EUSTAFOR)
  • European Farmers and Agri-cooperatives (COPA-COGECA)
  • European Regions for Research and Innovation Network (ERRIN)