Registration is closed.
Please note that your registration is binding and in the case of cancellation the registration fee or any other fee will not be reimbursed.
Registration fees
EFI Annual Conference week has two ticket types:
- for EFI Members (member organisations and focal points of Member Countries) and
- for non-members
1) Registration fees for EFI Members
Registration fee for EFI member organisations and Member Countries is 170 Euros (physical event)
This package fee includes:
- Annual Conference decision-making session and members' dialogue session on Wed 20 September,
- Gala dinner on Wed 20 September and
- Scientific seminar: “European forests and forest science: transition to the future.” (21 September)
One-day fee for participating ONLY the Seminar on Thu 21 Sept is 50 Euros.
2) Registration fees for non-members
- One-day fee for the Seminar on Thu 21 Sept is 50 Euros.
- One-day student fee for the Seminar on Thu 21 Sept is 15 Euros.
Transfer from Belgrade airport to Novi Sad - from Novi Sad to Belgrade airport
Fee for pre-booked transportation from the "Nikola Tesla" airport in Belgrade to your hotel in Novi Sad s and back to airport is 35 Euros each way.
Field trip
Fee for participating in the field trip is 40 Euros. Maximum number of participants in the field trip is 50.
Free events (registration still required)
- Pre-conference reception at the City Hall (Trg Slobode 1, Novi Sad) on 19 September at 20:00
After selecting your participation in the online-registration form, you will be guided to the payment site. Registration fees to the EFI 2022 Annual Conference and the Seminar need to be paid by credit card. In case of non-payment, your registration can not be considered valid. For any questions please contact conference organisers at